About the Podcast

Currently, the technology to be paid bitcoin via your listen exists. It is on the "bleeding edge." There are currently around 1000 podcasts using the technology. Most of us have no idea what we are doing. We know a little about this, and a little about. The goal of the show is to connect with other users and share out knowledge and help grow the Value 4 Value Space, and help other podcasters set up an additional stream of income for their podcast. 

About Dave Jackson

Dave Jackson began podcasting in 2005 and launched the School of Podcasting (schoolofpodcasting.com). His School of Podcasting show has over 2.6 million downloads. He has helped hundreds of people plan, launch, and grow their podcast. He is the author of the book Profit from your Podcast, and is a featured speaker at events. In 2016 Dave joined Libsyn (the largest podcast hosting company) as part of their tech support team. 

In 2018 he was inducted into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame.