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I have been listening to the School of Podcasting close to two years now. It is my favorite podcast (No, I am not related to Dave Jackson). I enjoy listening to it for a number of reasons; 1.) The production quality is very high. 2.) Dave is very passionate about the subject and 3.) The show is very interesting and I have and continue to learn a lot. The podcast is a one man show but don't let that fool you. The time goes quickly because you are lost in the conversation on the how to on podcasting. It's the real deal here. I listen to other how to podcast but I tune out after a few episodes. If you want to learn the best way to start, or improve your podcast this is your show. My hats off to the School of Podcasting. A great show because of great content and a great person who wishes to share his great love of podcasting with the world.

School's In
Each week, Headmaster Dave Jackson shares resources, news, and tips to help you learn how to podcast. School's in. R U Listening?

High Energy show with Great Content
Dave is fun to listen to and always has something of value to share. He knows podcasting and knows how to keep it interesting. Whether you're thinking about podcasting or are already there - you need to listen in. I couldn't have created my show without it!